

How we do, what we do

We Listen To You

The first step to solving a problem is understanding what you need.  We take an in depth needs analysis in our “Discovery Meeting” with you and your team which helps us to determine the best approach for getting optimum results and candidate selection.

We Develop A Plan

We have access to social networks, friends in the industry, job boards, our database of thousands of candidates. We determine the best way to find you the best people.

We Reach Out

You name it. We will do it.  Email, Message, Cold Call, etc., if it will help us find you the right candidate, We Do It.

We Qualify

From our Discovery Meeting notes and technical expertise we will qualify individuals and send you only those that meet 90% or higher of the skills needed for this opportunity. Candidate must be willing to work within the salary range you specify and most importantly, the Candidate must be motivated by something other than the money!

We Present You Candidates

You have final say. You get a chance to interview only the people who fit your job and can bring value to your organization.

You Win

You can hire the best person for your team. You now have the best team, with new talent and are ready for your next big project.